Most recently, in addition to the global pandemic we all are facing, I have suffered the loss of my mother to cancer (June 22). This painting is, in a circuitous way, a reminder of the time when I was wrestling with what I knew to be inevitable. During the few months when my mother was in hospice, as a much needed distraction, I spent my evenings visiting an internet-based community, listening live to aspiring musicians as they expanded their audience and honed their sound in a new virtual format. Quickly, the distraction took and I was engrossed in this community of artists and musicians, where all were supporting each other’s varied talents and ideas. This virtual bohemia led me to a serendipitous barter with an artist who agreed to produce a drawing of my mother in exchange for a portrait. This is my reminding result, titled Banjoman2398 (oil on canvas, 8"x10").