- S. Tremaine Nelson Editor’s Introduction
- The Majority Staff of the House Committee on the Judiciary Materials in Support of H. Res. 24, Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors
- Rachel Howard Shaver Lake
- Daniel Pollock Haunted Home: on homeschooling, gothic literature, god,
- Alia Luria You Might Eat Organic, But You’re Still Full of Baloney
- Cameron Thomas Snyder Catching the Big One
Art & photography
- Claire Fleming Staples Alien; DNA; Transmigration
- Rooster Fricke El Cárabo Lapón; Pavel
- Ariana Mygatt Jal., MX 062919
- Jorge Vargas Portraits in Quarantine
- Lee Nowell-Wilson Maternal Current
- Roger Camp 2° East, 3° West
- Mark McDonnell Oaks Bottom, Sellwood Bridge
- Ash Woodworth Best Wishes From Afar
- Steve Anwyll Self-portrait, Friday November 13, 2020
- Nina Montenegro Against Forgetting
- Diannely Antigua Diary Entry #34: Epigenetics
- Brynn Saito Self-Portrait Disguised as Stones
- Christopher Morris Plundered
- Major Jackson Ode to Everything
- Corey Van Landingham Aphasia
- Emma Aylor Cinema Egyptian
- Marcus Jackson Onlooker, Listener Whom I Can’t See
- Alexis Sears Hair Sestina
- Joyce Schmid Even the Air
- Tessa Livingstone Undersea Caves Seem Out-of-Scale to the Explorer
- Brian Blanchfield Salutatorian
- Stacy Boe Miller There Now
- Andrew Grace Extinction
- James O'Bannon I Wanted to Be Nowhere When I Grew Up
- Joseph Millar Ventriloquist
- Erintrude Pieta bitch
- Ryan Downum To Enact a Change in the Way I Talk to Strangers
- Thomas Mann The Magic Mountain (an excerpt) (translation by Susan Bernofsky)
- Gemma Gorga Pigments (translation by Sharon Dolin)
- Ailsa McFarlane Highway Blue (an excerpt)
- Anne Perez Pigeons
- Gil Adamson Ridgerunner (an excerpt)